Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Friday, July 8, 2011

8 July 2011 Ride: The Company of Kurt

I will try to make this quick as I have already eaten up quite a chunk of the day on the bike. 

With an appointment at 9:00 AM on the agenda, I drove out at 6:00 to Barrington Park, parked, and then rode down into Wyman Valley, what I like to refer to as Shangra La.  I haven't been down there early in the morning and it didn't disappoint me.  Interestingly, the early morning hour had more traffic than I have ever encountered.

Shortly after leaving Barrington Park, I rode through another neighborhood and spotted this basketball post in its curious position.  

Fairly humid in the morning which also created some good heavy clouds low to the ground.   I like how the cloud bank below looked like a mountain range.

 I'm down in Shangra La when the sun is being filtered through a grey cloud shroud.  I quickly jumped off the bike to capture a moment that I know will not last long.  It was truly magical and the effect did indeed completely disappear very quickly after I took the picture.

I got in 15 miles knowing that I would be able to ride more during the 9:00 AM appointment where I would be dropping off the van for a detailed cleaning.  Once there, and informed it would take longer than I anticipated, I called Kurt to see if he could come join me.  Fortunately, he was available.

And, fortunately, he was on his mountain bike so that he had a handicap that would slow him down a bit to better match my pace.

We rode together for about 26 miles.  The wind from the north (yes, there was actually a northerly wind today) kept the air a bit drier than the past few days but the sun was still rather intense.

 Mailbox on Parsons Rd.

 I told Kurt about my new challenge, inspired by my email exchange with Angie.  I'm thinking about a 24 hour ride.  The actually ride time, time on the bike, will have to be 24 hours, so the event will probably cover about 26 - 27 hours. I think it shows that I am truly going mad.  Stay tuned for further details.
Kurt and Philip

Today's Ride:  4hrs.  22mins.  51.97 miles.  84 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,318.46

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