Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

12 July 2011 Ride: And the Sun Keeps Rising

Going to bed last night, I wasn't entirely sure of my biking plans for the morning.  I contemplated the idea of driving to a different area again as changing up the pace has been good.  Waking this morning, the schedule was thrown a bit out of kilter as the electricity was out and the clocks in the room were blank.  Sometimes I can wake up to go pee and think it's 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning and it's only 12:30.  Those are not good nights as it usually means a rough sleep for the remainder of the night. 
There was no moon present in the sky so I figured it had to be at least past 3:00 AM.  I tried lying down and going back to sleep but to no avail so I wandered into the living room and saw it was 4:40.  Well, that was close enough to 5:00 that I knew I wouldn't fall back asleep.
I lit a few candles and put on my biking gear while having my early pre-ride snack of tea, figs, dates and nuts.  I waited till 5:40 to get on the bike when there would be enough light to see by and headed down the big hill on Hwy 45. 
It is interesting how the "journey" can quickly move from highs to lows and vice versa. There has been a funk to the quest of the journey the past few days.  The heat may certainly have something to do with that.  In any case, another beautiful sunrise unfolded this morning.

My ride took me along Guy Terry Rd  and I passed a house under construction.  I liked the pose the man made sitting in the window as he waited for the rest of the crew to show up.  I actually took this shot on the fly.  Ideally, I wanted to stop and frame the picture better but I was afraid stopping would have drawn his attention and I would have lost the shot completely.  

Back home in the garden with the temperature already hitting the 90s by 9:00AM, I stumbled upon two grasshoppers who were enjoying the warm weather.

On the basil plant, no less!

Today's Ride:  2hrs. 10mins.  25.32 miles.  81 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,441.77

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