Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Monday, July 11, 2011

11 July 2011 Ride: And the Heat Goes On

I managed to push off for a 5:45 AM ride.  I knew I would be riding later when I dropped off the van and waited for work to be done on it but I also wanted to enjoy riding in the cool of the morning.

An odd day out.  I wasn't in the mood for taking pictures.  Maybe it was the heat.  The few people I passed on  the trail seemed to stare intently forward, lost in thought or just not very happy.  On the other hand, car drivers were extremely respectful this morning as I had several wait on me or stop to give me the right of way even though they had it.  I had to remember all those acts of kindness when I encountered one driver who cut me off when she made a right turn.  I sensed the car that was overtaking me from behind was slowing down as we approached an intersection.  Could it really be turning, I wondered.  Anticipating the driver was planning to do so, I slowed, otherwise I would have run right into the side of her car.  I did blare my air horn a couple of times and yelled out "What are you doing!?"  She actually slowed down so that I was able to catch up with her.  I don't know if it's worse to think she didn't know what she was doing or she did.  I did get the feeling that she would be more aware next time she encountered a bicyclist.

Just a couple of pictures.  A bicyclist was approaching from the opposite direction on Appleby Rd.  It turned out to be a friend of Rachel's, Serena.  Realizing I didn't have any pictures for today, I circled back and caught up with her in the Hastings parking lot.  

 Serena Caffrey

She had ridden from home and was on her way to The Omni Center.  I ran into her on Saturday as well when I biked to the Farmer's Market.  She was sitting on a bench doing some sketching.

Back on the trail, I passed a cicada.  A well preserved specimen that was photo worthy.

Mid to high 90s all week with the forecast of HOT for the rest of the summer.

Today's Ride:  2hrs. 44mins.  31.22 miles.  80 - 91 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,416.45

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