Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 July Ride: Len Berkman

In 1977, I received my Master in Playwriting from Smith College under the tutelage of Len Berkman.  Back in the Spring of this year, I received an email from his son Zak, who has also gone on to work in theater and founded the Epic Theater Ensemble in New York City.   For the Ensemble's tenth anniversary, Zak wanted to honor his father's life-long contribution to theater and asked for past students to send in stories to be compiled on a special website.  For one poor reason or another, I did not meet the deadline for the May celebration.  In part, I believe, because I struggled with the the right story or words that would best exemplify my love for this wonderful man who I have been in touch with all these years. 

A story, an image finally came to mind and I thought the best way to post my thoughts would be on this blog.  It seemed only fitting as I've talked about the journey aspect of this year-long ride so often and Lenny has certainly been part of my journey through life.  

There are two stories I would like to share.

All My Children
One day in class back in 1977, there were two visitors, a man and a woman, in their 20s sitting next to Lenny as he was teaching.  They had a diminutive stature, sitting quietly next to Len, made more so my Lenny's tall frame and his ability to fill a space with his vibrant expressiveness.  The way the couple sat there, they almost seemed as if they were his children joining their father on "Bring your kids to work" day.  Later, I asked Lenny who they were and he mentioned that they were past students.  I passed along my observation about them appearing to be his kids.  He laughed and said yes, that was a fitting image as he thinks of them as his children.
I think that must be true for so many of Len's past students.  The richness of the time together that people have spent with Len has led to incredible bonds.  What is so amazing as I write that last sentence is to think that my intimate time together with Lenny in the professor-student role was just one year. Surely, I think, we must have spent much longer together than that to form the bond that we did. 

An interesting side note.  As I titled the above story, it occurred to me that Len's favorite soap opera was All My Children and he did not like to miss it.  How appropriate that that would be his favorite soap.

Beauty All Around
Once, back in the 70s, I mentioned to Lenny an experience I had in the woods where the modest presence of the surroundings suddenly filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy and exhilaration. Lenny said that he sometimes experienced that feeling walking through his neighborhood.  That idea came as a total surprise to me as I had a hard time fathoming how beauty could be found among a collection of homes and lawns thinking instead that one had to be in the midst of the woods to have such a profound experience. 
I have thought about Len's comment throughout the years and, while I may still not have that sense of elation that he experienced in his neighborhood, I certainly understand it.  Because of his comment, I know I would seek beauty in places and objects that I might have otherwise quickly dismissed.  A refrain I have used often in this blog when I have felt low is "seeking beauty."  I can't help but think that Lenny must have had a part in that process.

With very much love...

Today's Ride:  2hrs. 34mins.  28.07 miles.  97 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,225.36

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