Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6 July Ride: Sunrise Ride # ???

I'm not sure quite what I'm am trying to accomplish, prove, prepare for when I decide to ride in the heat of the day as I did yesterday.  What doesn't fry you will make you tougher (in more ways than one).  The interesting thing about the ride yesterday, was that my rear tire developed a slow leak 4 miles out.  Since I was returning about 12 library books, I put on the panniers and forget to place the repair kit in the bags.  Fortunately, I had the hand pump on the frame.  Since it was a slow leak, I was hoping it might hold.  It did, for about four miles.  More pumping, more holding for a few miles.  I kept pushing my luck, extending the ride further and further.  With about 3.5 miles from home, the tire really went flat and lasted only a few hundred yards.  Time to call David to come get me.  But, optimistically, I pumped up once more and managed to go another 1.5 miles before pumping again with the last airing carrying me home.  It turned out to be a leak at the seam.

With rain in the forecast for the afternoon and Community Meals on the agenda for the morning, I decided to go ahead and begin the daily ride in the dark and ride into the sunrise.  The coolness of the morning certainly felt good after the heat from yesterday.  The sky offered up another very nice show.

On the way home from Community Meals, I spied movement on the door.  What sort of creature is this, I thought.
 Turned out to be a piece of fine thread clinging to the fabric of the door.

By the way:  As of this writing in mid-afternoon, no sign of showers but plenty of heat. 

Today's Ride:  1hr 37mins.  20.10miles.  75 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,245.46

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