Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

28 June 2011 Ride: 4,000 Miles

Yesterday, knowing that I had a little under 31 miles to go till the 4,000 mile mark, I wasn't sure if I would do it all this morning or not.  When I mentioned to Rachel yesterday how close I was, she said, "I assume you are going to do it all tomorrow."  That was enough of a motivation to get myself going early this morning with the intent of biting off all 31 miles.

I was on the bike just before 6:00 but, with all the clouds, there wasn't a sunrise to witness. There was a chance of rain in the forecast and the clouds were slowly but constantly changing, with veils of thin rain strands hanging down in spots while small patches of blue peeked out in other spots.  Very humid but still on the cool side, relatively speaking, especially compared to riding in the heat of the day yesterday.

I decided to stay close to home which meant doing laps through the basically vacant Waterford development and riding the roads around Habberton back and forth several times.  There were plenty of diversions, including a few friendly dogs and a skunk, so the time went by fairly quickly.  I tried to get a good shot of the skunk as it had a gorgeous black and white coat of fur but the two shots I took failed to come out.  

 I think perhaps the best picture for today representing reaching this point in my journey for the year, is the bicycle Rachel gave me for Father's Day.  Measuring only 5 inches long and made from remnants found around the house, this is truly a beautiful piece of art to me and means so much that she created it for me.  I really love it.

Thank you, Rachel.

Today's Ride:  2hrs. 41mins.  32.81 miles.  78 degrees  Miles YTD:  4,002.05

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