Taken at first light, facing west. Leaving the shutter open for 1 second gives that deep blue.
An omen of things to come.
15 miles in the morning and then another 15 miles in the late afternoon. Some observations from riding in high heat:
I was surprised how hoarse I was after riding. It’s as if I’ve been screaming for an hour.
Tires do not hold well in hot weather. Going around curves the bike felt as if it was slipping out from underneath me.
Usually, going faster creates a cooler breeze. Not so when it’s 110. Going faster creates a hotter wind that feels like a blast from an oven door.
An interesting note: The wind was from the WNW today.
Coming back from my ride, the weather station read 108.7. Later, I thought of checking the memory to see what the highest reading had been in the past 24 hours and it showed 111.6. Don’t know if I rode in that or not. In any case, what's a degree or two once we reach 110.
Today's Ride: 2hrs 33mins. 30.05 miles. 83 and 109 or 111.6 degrees. Miles YTD: 5,001.42
Maybe because of the heat addling my brain, I keep forgetting to give Colene and Tom a very BIG thanks for their one time donation to Biking for Food. Thank you so much!
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To see postings before 11 June 2011, please go to www.mylifeasabike.blogspot.com
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