Days of Continuous Riding

Days of Continuous Riding

227 Days Down.

138 Days to Go.

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 August 2011 Ride: 109.5 Degrees of Separation

Is there any cute equivalent for August like there is for March of "In like a lion...?"  In like a sauna, out like a pottery kiln. 

Who would think in the cool (and I use that term lightly) of the morning where the day seemed off to such a gentle start that things can bake well into the evening. 

The ride in the morning was 79 degrees but the forecast called for the temperature getting up to 104.  That was a challenge, a ride I knew I would have to do to compliment the -4.5 degree ride in the winter.

 In a cul-de-sac in our neighborhood, a long trailer was parked with a couch and a couple of other sundry items.  One, was a box filled with trophies.  I kept eyeing the box, seeing a possible photo op.  Finally, I stopped.  There was something fascinating about the jumble of trophy figures.  On one view, they seemed to be in the midst of battle, slugging away at the enemy but it was hard to know which side anyone was on.

At 1:30 PM, with having an alert with a red box containing the message: 
"Dangerous heat index. Outdoor exposure should be limited," and the temperature reading 103,the gauntlet had been tossed.  I donned my newly acquired long sleeve sun jersey and headed out for a 5 mile ride.

A couple of hours later, with the temperature reaching 105, the challenge came again.  Out for another 5 mile ride.  Even though I sipped water frequently, I was amazed how dried out my mouth was getting, as if someone was sticking a hair dryer in my mouth.

So many billowing clouds in the sky, portending rain, while the sun shone unhindered.  Looking at the clouds, I thought about the temperature difference between where they rose up to and where I was on the ground.  Getting back home, I did a quick look up and found that a cloud 5km (3miles) up would have a temperature of about -13 C or  9 F.  10km (6 miles), a nice crisp -50 C or -59 F. 

Today's Three Part Ride:  1hr 47mins.  20.32 miles.  79 degrees, 105 degrees.  Miles YTD:  4,941.02

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